End Call Webhook

We can automatically send call data to an endpoint of your choosing after each event completes. See below for details


Send an email request to support@kixie.com with your endpoint URL(s).

Note Please specify whether the endpoint url is for the Calls or Text message webhooks or both.

Calls webhook:

Here’s an example call webhook data object:

      "data": {
        "calldate": "2020-03-13 19:21:28",
        "callid": "d66d15aa-655f-11ea-b174-45f320f374c7",
        "duration": "267",
        "amount": "0.0400",
        "calltype": "incoming",
        "callstatus": "answered",
        "tonumber": "+14243131560",
        "fromnumber": "+18666892261",
        "disposition": "not disposed",
        "fname": "Aldo",
        "lname": "Barbagiovanni",
        "email": "aldo@kixie.com",
        "recordingurl": "<http://calls.kixie.com/d66d15aa-655f-11ea-b174-45f320f374c7.mp3",>
        "crmlink": "",
        "dealid": "",
        "contactid": ""