Calls Webhook
We can automatically send call data to an endpoint of your choosing after each event completes. See below for details
Send an email request to with your endpoint URL(s).
Note Please specify whether the endpoint url is for the Calls or Text message webhooks or both.
Calls webhook:
Here’s an example call webhook data object:
"data": {
"calldate": "2020-03-13 19:21:28",
"callid": "d66d15aa-655f-11ea-b174-45f320f374c7",
"duration": "267",
"amount": "0.0400",
"calltype": "incoming",
"callstatus": "answered",
"tonumber": "+14243131560",
"fromnumber": "+18666892261",
"disposition": "not disposed",
"fname": "Aldo",
"lname": "Barbagiovanni",
"email": "",
"recordingurl": "<",>
"crmlink": "",
"dealid": "",
"contactid": ""