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How Brokerpreneur Boosted Outbound Sales Productivity with Kixie’s Solutions Engineering Team

Industry: Real Estate
Location: Tampa, FL
CRM: Zoho

About Brokerpreneur Podcast

After almost two and a half years of searching for an outbound sales dialing tool, and many unsuccessful trials with various dialer platforms, Matt Vigh came across Kixie PowerCall and SMS.

Matt is the Owner and CEO of Brokerpreneur Podcast, a company that empowers overloaded real estate brokers to become more profitable in their business. They also offer coaching and training for brokers and their real estate agents. Matt wears many hats at his growing company, so he needed a sales dialer solution that would make his life easier, not cause more tech headaches for him and his outbound sales team.

The Challenge

In addition to co-hosting two real estate focused podcasts, Matt Vigh also leads a remote outbound sales team that calls on behalf of clients. When browsing for sales dialers, Matt was looking for a software that integrated with their existing tech stack, particularly with Zoho CRM.

In addition to being able to track calls, texts, notes, and call outcomes within Zoho CRM, Matt and his team “wanted to stay,[…] on home base, meaning we wanted everything to go through the CRM because there’s a lot of information that comes in [to the CRM] from landing pages, […] OptinMonster, and a bunch of [other]things coming from a bunch of different places.”

Matt was facing some serious challenges before finding Kixie, and wasn’t having much luck searching for a solution. His situation wasn’t necessarily unique, but it still didn’t fit into any kind of ‘cookie cutter’ mold. “Not only do we use Zoho CRM, but we also use Campaigns and we also use a lot of the other functionality as a company that they offer. We hired consultants to help out with this, and to be completely honest, we got almost the same answer from all of them: ‘Yeah, that’s just not really possible.’”

The Solution

After speaking with the solutions engineering team at Kixie, Matt finally got the response he was looking for. The process that he went through with Kixie to build out a custom Zoho CRM solution for his outbound team was a refreshing change from the indifference he’d been facing from other companies. The team at “Kixie were the ones that said, ‘You know, Matt, we love what you’re trying to do with that. That’s super smart. We want to be able to help you with your clients. Can you be a little bit patient with us? And if so, we’re going to help you get to that. We’re gonna help you get across that finish line, if we can figure it out at all.’ And they were very upfront. Both of the people that I worked with were just absolutely fabulous.

“They both helped me by listening to me to start with – which is not what [usually] happens.” Matt continued. […] “[A] lot of tech companies just want to sell you something, and they want to move on to the next person to go sell it. And I found that a LOT in the dialer world…I could go through all the automated chats I wanted to, and I could send out all the messages to support email, and then at the end of the day somebody would respond back and say, ‘I’m going to look into it,’ and then I’d hear back only after I reached back out to them.”

Matt’s sales team now uses PowerCall, SMS templates, voicemail drop, and custom sales automation to streamline their outbound sales efforts. During our conversation, Matt made it clear that he was especially pleased with Kixie’s level of care and willingness to work together with Brokerpreneur Podcast to find a solution.

“They put real effort into accomplishing the things that they could. There were some things that they were just like, ‘Look, Matt, that’s just not going to work that way.’ and we were able to build a work around. That’s what I want when I’m paying a tech company. I want somebody that’s going to be engaged with what my problem is, and help me find a solution to it.

“It’s not very often that you wake up in the morning and you’ve got an email from the tech company saying, ‘Hey, this is what we’re going to try to get worked out today, we’ll let you know the progress of that.’ They treated me like what I was trying to accomplish in my business was important to them. I can’t thank Kixie enough for that.”

podcast recording

The Results

After only about 45 days into their integration with Kixie and Zoho CRM, Matt Vigh reflected on the qualitative results his team has experienced. Most notably, the productivity and performance increases they have seen as a result of implementing Kixie.

Matt explained, “Here’s how I measure it: I go to my sales staff and I say, ‘How easy is it for you to work through your day?’ And they’re all smiling now. They’re all happy, they’re all excited because the things that I’m asking them to do, that I’m saying, ‘I need this done.’ They’re coming back to me and saying, ‘I can get that done.’

“We know the outbounds we’ve done on behalf of clients, we know those numbers have risen. That means our clients are […]getting more [value], because Kixie was willing to lean in and do what a great tech company should do. I would honestly have to say my staff is less anxious about what they’re doing with their calling and their outbound and the connections that they’re making.”

Finally, Matt’s distributed sales team can now spend more time on training and team building when they meet in person, rather than troubleshooting issues with their tech stack. Improving team morale and company culture was a major unexpected benefit of adopting Kixie.

“Whenever we get together and we talk, our team building time, our time focused on improving sales,” Matt elaborates, “we can actually spend time doing that – because we’re not spending time talking about why the tech or the solution that we purchased isn’t working the way it’s supposed to.”

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